This 500 bed capacity multidisciplinary, tertiary care teaching hospital, situated on National Highway in a dense cluster of rural habitations, interspersed with industrial units has a vast catchment area, spreading over 30 km radius. The population served generally belongs to lower socio-economic classes and the hospital receives a huge volume / wide variety of patients, essentially required for medical teaching.  The hospital is staffed with the learned clinical faculty of PRCM&DC, along with full strength of junior doctors, nurses and paramedics in all the disciplines.

Being located on the main traffic artery, the hospital has a very busy Accidents & Emergency Department. Large number of patients are attended by the outpatients and the diagnostic departments. The hospital has six fully equipped operating rooms, intensive care units in medicine, surgery, pediatrics and neonatology, modern clinical laboratory and state of the art radiology department, having 64 slice CT Scanner, mammography, Color Doppler and digital X-Ray. The hospital is continuously striving to upgrade and modernize its facilities in line with the emerging diagnostic and therapeutic needs. The hospital receives regular assistance and support from donors and philanthropists in facility development and provision of medical treatment to the poor patients. Hospital management and clinical staff has a special focus on quality assurance in provision of health services, while laying special emphasis on patient safety.

The hospital is actively contributing in Sehat Sahulat Program, the national flagship program on health insurance. We are also participating in Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI), Population Welfare Program, National TB Program, disaster relief operations and other government initiatives in health promotion and disease prevention.

The hospital is licensed with Punjab Healthcare Commission and accredited with College of Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan for postgraduate medical training. The hospital also provides training facilities to Pak Red Crescent Institute of Allied Health Sciences and also plans to start a nursing college in near future.

Medical Superintendent / Hospital Administrator